

23th August 2022
If it's time for a dental checkup, don't ever delay. When it comes to maintaining your oral health, it is crucial to seek regular checkups at least twice a year. With professional dental checkups, it can help in screening through your tooth in detail to prevent any infection or decay from forming and damaging the teeth.


During a regular checkup or dental exam, a professional dentist will go over your medical history, oral health, previous oral health treatments you've received, and more. While gathering this information, they will also conduct an examination of your teeth. The examinations are used to help find tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems early, when they're easier to treat. The exams are also used to help educate people on the best ways to care for their teeth and gums.


Most adults and children should get a check-up twice a year or every 6 months. If you have swollen, bleeding gums (known as gingivitis) or other gum disease, your dentist may want to see you more often. Some adults with gum disease may see a dentist three or four times a year. More frequent exams may help prevent a serious gum disease known as periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to infection and tooth loss. Babies should have their first dental appointment within six months of getting their first tooth, or by 12 months of age. After that, they should get an exam every six months, or according to the recommendation of your child's dentist (Pediatric dentist). Also, your child may need to have more frequent visits if the dentist finds a problem with tooth development or another oral health issue.


A typical check-up will include a cleaning by a hygienist, x-rays on certain visits, and a screening of your mouth by the dentist. Depending on the condition of your tooth, the procedure will differ.
During a cleaning of your tooth;
  • You or your child will sit in a large dental chair. A bright overhead light will shine above you. The hygienist will clean your teeth using small metallic dental tools. He/she will scrape your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Plaque is a sticky film that contains bacteria and coats teeth. If plaque builds up on teeth, it turns into tartar, a hard mineral deposit that can get trapped at the bottom of teeth.
  • The hygienist will floss your teeth then he/she will brush your teeth using a special toothbrush.
  • After that, He/she may then apply a fluoride gel or foam to your teeth. Fluoride is a mineral that prevents tooth decay. Tooth decay can lead to cavities. Fluoride treatments are given to children more often than to adults.
  • Finally, the hygienist or dentist may give you tips on how to care for your teeth, including proper brushing and flossing techniques.
Dental x-rays are images that can show cavities, gum disease, bone loss, and other problems that can't be seen by just looking externally at the mouth and tooth.
During an x-ray, the dentist or hygienist will;
  • Place a thick covering, called a lead apron, over your chest. You may get an additional covering for your neck to protect your thyroid gland. These coverings protect the rest of your body from radiation.
  • Have you bite down on a small piece of plastic.
  • Place a scanner outside your mouth. He/she will take a picture, while standing behind a protective shield or other area.
After the x-ray scan, a professional dentist will check them to see if there any cavities or other problems. They will also check the bite (the way the top and bottom teeth fit together). If there is a bite problem, you may be referred to an orthodontist. Also, they will check for oral cancer. This includes feeling under your jaw, checking the insides of your lips, the sides of your tongue, and on the roof and floor of your mouth. In addition to the above checks, a pediatric dentist may check to see if your child's teeth are developing normally. To keep your mouth healthy, you'll need to take good care of your teeth and gums, both by having regular dental exams and practicing good dental habits at home. Take this opportunity during this Merdeka/independence day and get your check-ups done!
Disclaimer : All information provided is based on best practices and knowledge. There is no guarantee in any of the statement as provided.